Scoring and Computers
Monday, December 8, 2008
Hy-Tek News Releases email notification
Now Playing: Phil
Topic: Hy-Tek Updates

Hy-Tek has recently changed some of their business policies.  This was mostly done after Hy-Tek was acquired by another company. They have created a News Release email notification list that can inform you of important changes regarding Hy-Tek.

Posted by NPDSC at 9:58 AM CST
Updated: Monday, December 8, 2008 10:02 AM CST
Hy-Tek new support options
Now Playing: Phil
Topic: Hy-Tek Updates

Hy-Tek has recently changed their support arrangemnets as of July 2008.  Here is the link:

Posted by NPDSC at 9:54 AM CST
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Hy-Tek Team Manger 5.0 available
Now Playing: Phil
Topic: Hy-Tek Updates
TEAM MANAGER 4.0 - TM 4.0 was released March of 2004.
Hy-Tek will continue E-Mail and telephone support through April 6, 2009
No new product enhancements will be added to TM 4.0.

TEAM MANAGER 5.0 - TM 5.0 was released April 7, 2008.
The update cost from any previous version is $99.
  • Hy-Tek software pricing sheet

    Here's the link to the new Team Manager 5.0 information announced in April 2008. TM 5.0 Lite is FREE to download from the Hy-Tek web site's Download Center found at
    TM 5.0 Lite is basically the TM 5.0 production version with all six Standard Options enabled, (so you can test with those you may not have purchased in your production version) but with the following overall restrictions:

     · Only the Export of Meet Entries and the Export of Athletes/Teams are operational. All other Exports are not available. 
     · Only the Import of Meet Events, Mark Standards, and Records are operational. All other Imports are not available. 
     · The Database conversion from a previous release is not available
     · Any Report may be Previewed on the screen, but only the Meet Entries Report may be printed.
     · A maximum of 3 Meets may be added. 
     · Unlimited number of Entry Events per meet, but a maximum of 10 Result Events per meet. 
     · Maximum of 3 meet results for each athlete for each stroke/distance combination. 
     · Maximum of two Teams may be entered. 
     · Maximum of 100 Athletes may be entered. 
     · Maximum of two Journal Entries may be entered. 

  • Posted by NPDSC at 9:38 PM CDT
    Updated: Thursday, September 25, 2008 11:09 AM CDT
    Thursday, April 17, 2008
    Internet Connection Speed Test
    Now Playing: phil
    Topic: Hy-Tek Updates

    Here is a download & upload speed test.  This info is handy when trying to determine how long it will take to download a Hy-Tek 10MB update.  A typical DSL or Cable broadband connection tested at 2500kbps (2.5mbps) will download 10megs in about 30-45 secs.
    Just click on the testing icon, and then select a server.

    Test your Internet connection speed at - or - Speakeasy Speed Test

    Posted by NPDSC at 4:25 PM CDT
    Updated: Monday, May 5, 2008 11:01 PM CDT
    Tuesday, April 15, 2008
    Hy-Tek Software Updates & Upgrades
    Now Playing: Phil
    Topic: Hy-Tek Updates
    Here is the information & links for software updates and upgrades for both Team Manager 4.0 and Meet Manager 2.0 Updates...
    Both TM 4.0 and MM 2.0 now support their own Check for Updates menu commands. Just click on the menu command and follow the directions.
    Of course, the team computer must be connected to the Internet for this command and download to work.

    Here are 2 online access tests. If your computer fails to display either website test, you will not be able to use the Check for Updates feature, and must manually download the updates.

    The ZIP update files may be manually downloaded by any computer, and then manually copied & installed on the team computer. These "updates" are from 3meg to 10meg in size.
    These ZIP files may be manually downloaded directly from the Hy-Tek download webpage. After they are manually downloaded and saved to your local hard disk, do not UnZip them - leave them alone... Team Manager and Meet Manager will handle them directly as ZIP files.
    For Manual Updates: / File / Install Update / (follow directions)

    Posted by npdscscoring at 12:01 AM CDT
    Updated: Monday, April 28, 2008 6:31 AM CDT
    Monday, May 7, 2007
    Installing TM/MM on Microsoft Vista
    Now Playing: Phil
    Topic: Hy-Tek Updates

    Here is a note from Hy-Tek support...
    The biggest issue can be a new install of TM or MM on Vista.  Back in September of 2006 we changed the installer software that we use to install both TM and MM.  Our new and current installer works just fine with Vista.  The old installer doesn't.

    The easy way to tell which you have is to look at the files on your
    installation CD.  If you have only 2 files, you have the new installer.  If you have a bunch - about 14 or 15, you have the old installer.

    In that circumstance we highly recommend ordering a replacement CD ($10 + Shipping & Handling) from our sales office (866-456-5111).

    Bob Matlack,
    Director of Technical Support

    Posted by NPDSC at 10:10 PM CDT
    Updated: Monday, April 28, 2008 6:58 AM CDT
    Sunday, June 4, 2006
    Error - cstext32.ocx and cscmd32.ocx could not be registered
    Now Playing: Phil
    Topic: Hy-Tek Updates
    A team recently encountered this error, and we thought we would post this for future reference.
    Problem: cstext32.ocx and cscmd32.ocx could not be registered.
    This error message can occur when installing or running Team Manager or Meet Manager.
    Cause: This problem is due to the recent Windows XP/SP2 and Windows 2003 updates that caused cstext32.ocx and cscmd32.ocx to become outdated.

    Here is the Hytek link -

    Posted by NPDSC at 11:08 PM CDT
    Updated: Monday, April 28, 2008 6:33 AM CDT
    Thursday, February 16, 2006
    Hy-Tek Meet Manager 2.0 - What's New
    Now Playing: Phil
    Topic: Hy-Tek Updates
    Meet Manager 2.0 has over 100+ new features.
    With so many new features and changes throughout the software that can be used, we have created a What's New list from the MM 2.0 Help file that you can read and review.
    You can also download a MM 2.0 demo version that is fully functional with your existing MM 1.4Qe databases. That is the version we have been testing with...
  • MM 2.0 What's New Help file - (6 page PDF)
  • MM 2.0 What's New web slide show - (click here)

  • Posted by NPDSC at 11:12 AM CST
    Updated: Monday, April 28, 2008 7:00 AM CDT

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