
Topic: Times & Records
NOTE #1 - There is some confusion about the meaning of the CITY times. The conflict comes from the fact that all 15/18 swimmers are invited to swim at City on Friday night. The 15/18 are then tiered into T1 and T2 divisions based upon their qualifying times. All other age groups must meet their City qualifying times, and swim on Saturday. Here is the "Time Standard" reflecting the NPDSC City qualifying times. The times are only defined for the Individual events, and have not changed since 2000, except for the newly added 15/18 50yd freestyle.
NOTE #2 - In the original NPD2000.STD standard, all the 15/18 Individual times were artificially set high to "99.59" so all 15/18 swimmers will be shown as "Going to City"... with the tag CTY. You might also have this Time Standard file as NPDSCCTY.STD, with the tag CTY, but it too might not have the 15/18 true times...
NOTE #3:
In the new NPD2007.ST2 standard, ALL qualifying times are true, including the 15/18 Individual times. Therefore this file may be used for creating true local team performance reports... with the tag CTY*.
NOTE #4:
NPDSC Conversion Factors for meters/yards are based upon the NPDSC 25yd pool Time Standards.
for 20 yard pools = divide by 1.300
for 25 meter pool = multiple by 1.11
NOTE #5:
All current standards are updated in the new templates for Meet Manager.